His position to make any maneuvers strategically were handicapped as Mr. Along with the life support chamber, House further modified himself with several artificial enhancements to replace or supersede basic life functions. He takes little interest in monitoring or controlling the lives of others beyond established rules and generally allows the casinos to run themselves, and is largely reliant on the few information networks at his disposal and his Securitron patrols to exert order. In order to establish his rule, he enlisted the help of tribes living in New Vegas (later known as the Three Families) and rebuilt the city just in time to welcome the arrival of the New California Republic Army's advance forces. ruins are weak and silly in a lot of places, namely due to the technical limitations Bethesda faced when making Fallout 3. Having lived in the Las Vegas Strip prior to the Great War, he was taken in by what he saw as the unstoppable technological progress and an economic boom unimpeded by the problems and unrest that plagued much of pre-War America.