
How to turn atton into a jedi
How to turn atton into a jedi

how to turn atton into a jedi

All-Loving Hero: Their backstory is a deconstruction, showing what can happen when someone tries to encompass too much in their goal to help.Action Girl: If played as female, which is the canonical version.While the Exile can have any name, gender or alignment in-game, later works in the Legends continuity portray the Exile as a light-side female named Meetra Surik. The Exile spends the timeframe of the first game outside Republic space and is en route back into the Republic as the second game begins. And there's more to that backstory than meets the eye. A Jedi general who once served under Revan in the Mandalorian Wars, before being cast out of the Order.

how to turn atton into a jedi how to turn atton into a jedi

"I've been a target ever since I've entered Republic Space."

How to turn atton into a jedi